Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Excitement. I am so close to Prestige on MW3. Okay, so by close I mean level 66. Whatever, I'm calling it close. Today was a lot of hurry up and wait. I kind of like that. I got up early and ran most of my errands, then got to do laundry and play MW3, then I had to rush to church (I was still late) and then make donuts, then I got to sit around at home, and then had dinner with Gabe, Dom, and Sarah. Sarah is Dom's girlfriend. They're all cool people. This means I got to see all of my close knit people (minus a Stan) today. Alex and Raye were at church and then the dinner of course. Delicious by the way... is it horrible of Sarah and I to play MW3 while the boys were in the kitchen? I can't speak on her behalf, but I thought it was hilarious. Full 3 course dinner is always kick ass. Salad, grilled chicken and fries, and then strawberry short cake for dessert. It was amazing. Boys should cook more often! I stayed up WAY too late though and should have probably been home and in bed like 2 hours ago. Oh well, I enjoyed my day. Plus, the weather was freaking awesome. Tomorrow  they're talking like it's going to be up in the 70's. Is it fair to call it Spring yet? Later! <3

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