Sunday, March 4, 2012


No, not my life. Although, it is very scandalous... uhm... NOT. Anyways, no, what I find shocking is the stats on this blog. I enjoy getting on every day and looking at how many people have checked out my blog and where they're from. Although most of my viewers are from right here in America, it amazes me how many views I get from other countries. 26. That's how many views come from outside of the United States. Russia has 17 views, Germany has 6, and Uruguay has 1. Most of my readers are using Safari browsers, on Windows operating systems. I would like to take an opportunity to thank everyone who comes and reads my blog. It makes me feel like what I have to say matters... whether it does or not is completely indifferent. So thank you for that. Also, I am a little bit of everything and my family tree is more spastic than you can imagine. I have family from all over the world and it's nice to feel a little more connected to (related or not) different parts of the world.

As for what I had going on today, the reply is basically "Not Much." I've really done a whole bunch of nothing. We had my brother and my dad over for dinner tonight. We made Reuben's, Hash Browns, and French Fries. Yum! After dinner we watched The Walking Dead and have just been hanging out since then. Talk to you tomorrow! Later! <3

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