Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Real Quick

And I do mean REAL QUICK. My day has not been all that busy and I should have posted something long before now, but since I have to be up and ready to roll in 4 hours... we'll see how well THAT freaking works... I think it's about that time to make a post and be all like "I'm alive!" This works though since I will be at Missouri's capital, Jefferson City to petition for equal rights, and subsequently unable to post tomorrow. Today was really rather boring, I did laundry and played MW3. That was seriously about it. My dad got a new guitar though, so I checked that out. It is not only gorgeous, but epic in sound. Tomorrow is going to be a lot of driving, but it's for what I believe to be a good cause. I don't even get to drive, I get to ride. Becca decided to lie about not having homework which kept me up an extra two hours. THAT kind of ticked me off since my mom knew I had to get up early... but she got to go to bed early. I didn't quite see the fairness in all of that but whatever, I'm moving past it slowly. Just slightly frustrated. I think I'm stressing out more just because it's the day of leaving and being slightly blind sided. Anyways, I have to go get to bed. Talk to you on Thursday. Later! <3

Monday, February 27, 2012

Oops ^.^

I was wondering why I didn't remember posting yesterday. Must have been because I didn't post. Yesterday was so crazy. I felt like I was running around in circles all day. I woke up late and had a ton to do before my plans to go out. Oh well. Had a good time, had dinner with the boys and their girls and then watched the newest episode of The Walking Dead. Today I think the plan is to completely sand down my room and then primer and repaint again. This will be the third time painting. The paint has been bubbling up and popping and being a total disaster. I also have church group tonight at the Salvation Army from 4-7 pm. Anyways, has anyone else felt like the last several weeks have just been a complete and total blur or is that just a me thing? I have had so many plans lately, it seems like I'm only home to shower and sleep. For not having a job, I'm sure out enough to desire a day off. Have a good day and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Later! <3

By the way: I take comments and suggestions, be awesome and answer questions. Feel free to comment!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Get It On!

No, nothing dirty. Just my day. It has got to be a great freaking day. I know this is what's up because today I get to go shopping with my boys. For most girls, this would probably be very very lame, but I'm not most girls. Right now I just got out of the shower and am looking good (as per usual) and am watching the 100 Greatest Women in Music on VH1. Definitely awesome to take a look at where the girls have gotten without the guys. Anyways, my boys are ready to come pick me up so I guess I need to wrap this all up lol. Today will be epic because I choose to make it so and going out with the guys can be just as good a time as going with the girls. By the way, listen to more music, it is the only thing I know of that can: mend a broken heart, soothe the soul, change your mood completely, and be awesome all at the same time or do one by one as needed. Later! <3

I wanted to throw this in here real quick while it was on my mind. I am currently watching Danica Patrick on C-SPAN and although I'm not a huge racing fan, Go her. She is the first woman to go out and seriously commit herself to racing in NASCAR. She's cute, she's funny, and she's pretty down to earth it seems. I've heard a lot about her on whether or not she should be on TV in the commercials or whatever. I really hope she keeps her faith and although I don't really watch NASCAR or anything like that, I support that this woman wants to go out and follow her dream. I guess today I am all about Girl Power today. This was just something that came into being though as I watched this, thought I would throw out a "You Go Girly" to Danica. I'm getting off here now lol. LATER FOR REAL THIS TIME!!! <3

Friday, February 24, 2012

What a Day!

I have so much going on today. At least, it seems like it. It's taking forever to get it all started. I have to repaint my room, go to my dads to clean house, dinner for my cousin's birthday, and hanging out with Gabe later. It's 1 pm and I feel like I'm running out of time already. I'm ready to have my room finished though, that part is very exciting to me. Hanging out with Gabe is also going to be enjoyable. The rest of it... about par for the course if we're being honest. I really didn't intend to write this early in the day, but since my help for painting is taking longer than I expected... well... I had some free time. Hope you guys have a much more relaxing day than I am shaping up to. Later! <3

Thursday, February 23, 2012


That has been my day. I've had very little coffee and PMSing. It has not been a wonderful day to be honest. It started out good and I've not been too bad off until recently. I went to lunch with Gabe and then went to my dads and played MW3 with Alex, Becca, and my dad. I really have no reason to be upset, other than the whole PMS thing. SO now I'm sitting on the couch talking with dad and Alex while mom makes dinner and Becca reads a book. I had to take some Midol and get a little food in me with some coffee, it makes for a much happier me. I am really looking forward to dinner. We're having Pork Cutlets, Mashed Potatoes, and Macaroni and Cheese. Since that's about done, I think I'm getting off here. Later! <3

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Too much!

So yesterday we went to Dave & Busters and it was absolutely amazing! I've been raving about it to anyone who would listen. Today was pretty boring considering. On our way home last night, we blew a tire. We got home around 4 am and I got to bed around 4:30. Guess who had to wake back up a few hours later... It was me. I've been up all day though so tonight will likely be an early to bed kind of day. I went shopping with my mother today after she had another round of shots for her arthritis. We have found a new couch that we are in love with! I'm really hoping to buy it once my taxes come back, but we will have to wait and see. We're excited to possibly be getting rid of our current uncomfortable and ugly couch. That's about all we did today though. Right now I'm trying to convince Becca that reading isn't stupid, so I have to wrap this up. Hope you're having more fun than me! Lol, Later! <3

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Today is my good friend Stan's birthday! He is married to my friend Alex who I talk about frequently. We are going to Kansas City to Dave and Busters for dinner, then we're going to see Star Wars ep. 1 in 3D. All this is supposed to be a surprise, which may make you wonder why I'm writing all about it. My reasoning for writing all about it, is mainly because I know he isn't reading my blog. Not many people are, yet. That's okay. I will keep writing anyways. So today should be fun. I think I'm going to go feed Nina (my snake), do some laundry, and play some MW3. Fun times to be had by all. Have a good day! Later! <3

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday, Monday

So good to me? You bet it is. Today I'm going to paint my room in a gorgeous light green color called Crisp Morn from Better Homes and Gardens color schemes. Turned out much more vibrant than I expected. OH! Let me tell you about my adventure with paint yesterday.

I went to the store to get my paint yesterday and I gave the color swatch to the cashier and he began mixing my color. Eight blue and two green, the machine said. I didn't ask about all the blue since I am not a paint mixologist. He finished with the mixing of the paint and showed it to me. I was very disappointed to find that my paint was a grey color and nothing like the green I had expected. He was very sweet and could tell that I was sad, he told me I did not have to take it. I talked with my mother for a few minutes about it to see if I wanted it anyways and he kindly intruded to ask if it was okay if he tried a different way. He tried it the new way (not sure what he did differently) and the machine said 4 yellow and 2 green. After he finished mixing it, the color was absolutely perfect. He was an absolute doll for helping me and being so understanding.

So today I paint! I am very excited to rearrange my room and get settled in to my apartment. Hope you guys have a great Presidents Day! Later! <3

Sunday, February 19, 2012

What a Night

Last night was pretty sweet. I got to spend the evening with my girls. We went to see Angela and her new baby. We went to the NWMSU Common Ground Drag Show, which was fun. This was my first time going to a drag show and my friends said that they've seen better... I enjoyed it though. After the show, we went to Applebee's with our friend Lance since he wasn't able to go to the show with us. It was good getting to see everyone. It was a very fun night, to say the least. Today my friend Gabe is coming over and we're watching the new episode of The Walking Dead. Becca has decided that since we're watching what I want later, she gets to watch Disney Channel all day. Although I don't really want to watch Disney all day; there is a lot worse that an 11 year-old could be watching, so I can't really complain. Hope you have had a great weekend like I have. Later! <3

Saturday, February 18, 2012

To A Good Evening

Yesterday I didn't get a chance to post. I was very busy getting ready for a dinner I went to, along with doing laundry. Laundry went as well as can be expected, nothing exciting there. Played some MW3 and spent that time with my dad. The dinner was lovely though. We went to Red Lobster and then went to see the new movie Safe House. The movie was alright, although I'm not a huge fan of Ryan Reynolds or Denzel Washington. The movie itself was alright though, as I said, but a little boring at some points. Overall though, better than some of their previous movies I've seen. After the movie was over, I went over to my friend Gabe's house for a little while and played some more MW3. He thinks I'm addicted. I refuse to believe it! So for today I'm going to a drag show at Northwest with my friends Alex and Raye. That's about my biggest plan for the day. Anyways, I hope you guys have a great weekend and I'll write you again tomorrow. Later! <3

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Today has been just that, boring. Spent the vast majority of my day doing laundry and playing MW3. Played with some new cool people today though and added them as friends. Other than that, got to have lunch with one of my favorite people, and my bestfriend, Alex. Nothing spectacular (Taco Bell) but still enjoyable to see her on any given day. I also made coffee while at my dads and that was good to just hang out with him all day. My mother seemed a little upset that I took so long to do laundry, but that was only because I had to do two loads instead of one. Oh well, I'm a (almost) 21 year-old female. I'll do what I want :P Just Kidding (sort of). It's been a good day all-in-all. Getting ready to have chicken nuggets and fries for dinner at my dads. Yum! Later! <3

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

Today has been a lot of running around! Mom didn't end up getting her shots yesterday, but did go back in today for them. She was not thrilled but they seemed to help. We've done a lot of window shopping. We've been to Sav-On, Perkins, Maurice's, and K-Mart. Haven't bought anything other than some novelty coins, but had a good time. Mom hasn't been able to walk around like that in years. It was really nice to be able to just go and hang out with her. Picked up Becca and she ran a couple places with us too, mouthy today though. That was fun. Sarcasm... I have it! Anyways, we are just hanging out at home now, as that is all we really have going on. Steaks for dinner, should be good. Have a good night! Later! <3

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

If you were unaware, today is Valentine's Day! Big shout out to my friends Cody and Kali, today is also their birthday. No, they aren't related. Cody is my cousin's boyfriend and Kali is a friend I've had since I was in Middle School. ANYWAYS! Fun stuff to do today... and some not so fun stuff. Mom has to go in to have injections for her arthritis... no bueno. Later today, however, I get to go to Red Lobster with my friend Gabe, watch more True Blood (Starting Season 3!), and who knows? Getting to stay out a little later and have good company. Hooray! Very excited. My Valentine's Day(s) have never really been all that great. I think this one will actually be fun and pretty enjoyable. Hope you guys have a fun and safe V Day. Later! <3

Monday, February 13, 2012

Snow Day!

We got to sleep in today! Snow started last night about 3 a.m, didn't stop until sometime this morning. School is cancelled, along with the youth night activities that Becca and I go to. We are members of the Salvation Army church and youth night, if you were wondering. Becca is a Girl Guard and I am a Youth Leader Assistant for the Moonbeams. Today we don't have much to do, but Becca has found some Lifetime movies she wants to watch. As for me, I don't know if I can go a second day with no Modern Warfare... that's just sad to think about. I think that's about all we've got going on today. Anyways, if you guys got a snow day too then I hope you have fun stuff to do! Stay safe! Later! <3

Sunday, February 12, 2012


SO! The Walking Dead Marathon is getting ready to start. Very excited to see Season 2 since I've seen all of Season 1 and none of 2 so far. That's really about all I've got going on today. Dinner at some point, I think I'm making homemade Ham and Beans with Cornbread. Might bake a cake or something for dessert. I'm pretty sure I won't be playing much MW3 today, but it's come to my attention that some people on there... well they really suck. Met a guy yesterday who went on a rant about how women need to learn their place and get back into the kitchen or the bedroom. Some people though, are actually really cool. There was another guy in the room with us who stood up for; not just me, but all women and then added me as a friend. It's amusing almost how people forget that the people one the other end of the Wifi signal are real breathing human beings. Oh well, point of the story: That guy was a prick and I reported him for it. Have fun and a great day. Later! <3

Saturday, February 11, 2012

It's The Weekend!!!

Today looks to be a very boring one. Laundry needs done again, but doesn't it always? There is Modern Warfare 3 to be played. Best of all though? Marathons to be watched. There are sappy movies on USA all weekend (BOO!) and Walking Dead marathons today and tomorrow. That is the one I'm looking forward to by the way, Walking Dead. It's hard to be too upset about it being lazy Sunday with no football when AMC promises two days of such a great show. So I think my plan is to go do laundry, play MW3 with Becca, and then spend the night with AMC. Later! <3

Friday, February 10, 2012


I have so many so often. At least, so it seems. Oh well, got to play some more MW3, finally up to lvl 23 on my account. Not great considering, but when you don't own your own Xbox... playing and leveling can be a little hard. Some big stuff happening tonight, hoping to maybe attend. There is a VD party hosted by 96.5 the Buzz with some good alternative bands if you're in the KC metro near the Midland you should check it out! There is also some good movies that came out today, The Vow and Safe House are two that I'm looking forward to! Since the weather had to go and get all cold, maybe it would just be a good night to stay inside and watch your favorite TV shows. I'm currently watching Season 2 of True Blood since I haven't gotten to see it yet. Whatever YOU decide to do, I hope you have fun and a great weekend! Talk to you tomorrow. Later! <3

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Good Morning

I woke up far too early today, but it's not too bad. Today is my granddad's birthday. So, I think today my plans are to do laundry, play MW3, and then go to my Aunt's for my grandpa's birthday dinner. Steaks and hot dogs made out on the grill. Kind of odd doing that in the middle of February in Missouri. Winter has been pretty mild this year in comparison to others. Anyways, today should be pretty good all things considered. I'm more than ready to go level up on MW3. I want my ACR 6.8 back! Well, I think that is all for now... but it's early. Time will tell.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Day...

Let me tell you how awesome my day has been. I woke up to an empty house, which doesn't generally bother me too much, but today it does. Why? Because: My phone is out of service, no one was home, my car was gone, my lighter was missing, all this just at the begining of my day. It's been about 5 hours now... I don't think anyone is coming home today. So, I decided I would just lounge and enjoy my day as best as possible. SO I'm now sitting in my comfy shorts and a tank top watching NCIS on the TV. I never did find my lighter so I found some matches. So here I am... not very happy about my car being gone for five hours without being asked or even left a note as to where it would be spending it's day. I may have to change the name of my blog soon... I've gotten away from fashion obviously. Sorry about that. Time will tell what happens with all this.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Geekdom

To be perfectly honest, I am not always the most fashionable human being. In fact, most of my friends are gamers and I spend as much time playing COD as possible. I myself am not perfect, but as a woman I still like to look pretty. So today I am going to share some personal geekdom with you to give you an idea as to what I like and what I do.

Yesterday I spent over an hour customizing my avatar on the Xbox. She ended up in the Xbox power up shirt in black, a red plaid skirt, vampire teeth, and knee high black boots. SO cute. I was wearing my Green Lantern symbol shirt with acid wash jeans and my DC shoes in reality.

I am telling you all about my days of COD and WoW and the (AWESOME) t-shirts with skate shoes for a reason. I actually had someone ask me why I would want to write a fashion blog... and to put it simply: Because I still have an opinion, Because I want it to be written down, and mostly Because I can. Later! <3

Monday, February 6, 2012

Halftime Fashion Review

I know a lot of people had to have watched the Halftime Show for the 2012 Superbowl last night. Did anyone else think that most of the actual outfits were kind of blah? I don't understand the roman inspired skirts anyways, but as a whole it was not very flattering to anyone who wore those outfits. Madonna looked pretty stunning though for being over 50. She's definitely still got it going on. Does anyone know why M.I.A decided that flipping off the camera was a good idea? To a point I understand the action, but it seemed more like a complete disrespect for fans of the Super Bowl, Madonna, the NFL, and herself. It's really nice to know that some artists really don't give a damn about their fans, so thanks for that M.I.A.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Completely Spastic Post.

I have been horrible these last couple of days. It's been a stressful last couple of days. Which, by the way equals for a not very fashionable few days. It doesn't help that yesterday was laundry day. On the up side, my niece is pretty fashionable lately! Since she got so many great gifts for her birthday, a lot of them being clothing and accessories... She has been rocking it out. I could seriously talk just about her every day. For an 11 year-old girl, she has a lot of spunk. She has also had a lot of flubs. I've had to walk her through a lot of what works and what doesn't. Hmmm... Maybe I should just talk about her fashion and faux pas! Things to think about! lol, Later! <3

Friday, February 3, 2012

For the Movies

Alright, I didn't get the opportunity to post yesterday and today has been so busy I almost missed out on it too. Let me start off with saying sorry for that! Never meant to leave anyone hanging.

Alright, jeez! So, today I went to see the newest addition to the Underworld series. It was nice to see Kate Beckinsale back in that skin tight leather outfit. I can only imagine how much baby powder that takes to get on and off for filming! To be honest though; talk about an outfit that looked just as good when the series started back in 2003, as it does today. A lot of movies seem to have that theme with them in circumstances like these (ex: Resident Evil) where the main character(s) wear the same or similar clothing in all of the movies. No sci-fi movie I have seen has done a better job of keeping the theme than the Underworld franchise. I love these movies and I love the outfits. What do you guys think? Later! <3

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Birthday Post!

No, not my birthday... that will be later in March. Today is my niece's birthday. She turns 11 today and has been non-stop excited. This post is more based on what I bought her since it is a rather fashionable gift. The first gift I picked out for her is a silver clutch purse with optional straps to turn it into a small bag. She also got a new fedora that is purple with sequins. SO very much her style since she is completely obsessed with the girly shiny stuff. The last thing she's getting is two clip-in feathers for her hair. She is very much interested with the fashion trends that she sees on a daily basis and we have gotten her a gift that fits into her interests and style. Here's hoping she likes it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECCA! Later! <3